Hackiethon 2021 Website

I built this website with React, Typescript and Sass, from a finished design which was done by @mispelledname.

The website is hosted on Firebase, and the domain registration and DNS services are from Namecheap. This time, deploying to a subdomain was surprisingly straightforward.

The scroll component on the bottom right was a really tricky bit, and it's not perfect, but it works most of the time... It was reused in the website for Melbourne Hack 2021, which was another online hackathon hosted by HackMelbourne. I also helped out in its implementation, and set up the deployment on GitHub Pages, instead of Firebase. With guidance, I succeeded in automating deployment using GitHub actions -- my first time using the stuff.


Screenshot of Hackiethon's FAQ page Screenshot of Hackiethon's prizes page Screenshot of Melbourne Hack's landing page Screenshot of Melbourne Hack's schedule page